you at-risk?
The consumption of raw oysters by healthy individuals
will not result in severe Vibrio vulnificus
illness and death can result when at-risk individuals consume raw oysters.
The health conditions that place individuals in the at-risk consumer
category include(1):
• Liver Disease (from hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholism,
or cancer)
• Iron overload disease (hemochromatosis)
• Diabetes
• Cancer (including lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin’s
• Stomach Disorders
• Or any illness or medical condition that weakens the
body’s immune system*
If you are in an At-Risk category or are unsure about your risks, you
can reduce the risk of illness by eating oysters that have been post-harvest
processed or eliminate the risk of illness by eating oysters fully
*If you are unsure about your risks, please consult a physician.